Friday, December 8, 2017

25 Days of Jessmas Day 8: Iowa & Kansas

On the 8th day of Jessmas, my Google-Fu found for me:

Well, it was slim pickins in the bread basket of America as far as Christmas Songs go, but I managed to find a couple.


"Christmas in Iowa" by: Mulberry Lane

I don't know who Mulberry Lane is, but I am not a fan.  They're like the poor man's SHeDAISY.  They sing about how ordinary Christmas in Iowa is but that it's great because...reasons?  This song is 4 1/2 minutes long, it's over-the-top cheery and that weird country/pop hybrid, there are too many jingle bells, AND they shoe-horn a reference to Field of Dreams in there too.  Gag.  

1 out of 5 Corn 

Edit (12/14/17): I just discovered in my search for Christmas songs about Nebraska, that Mulberry Lane wrote a song called "Christmas in Nebraska" in 2004 which is literally THIS song. in 2006 they came out with the "Iowa version" AND the "Wisconsin version."  I am revoking this song's score of 1 and giving it 0.  Apparently, Mulberry Lane thinks Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin are all interchangeable.  I'm not saying they're wrong...


"Christmas in Kansas City" by: Brad Millison

This song is definitely a product of the 80's.  It's...fine.  It's a snapshot of its time and I'm sure it holds some deep sentiment for a lot of people in Kansas City,, that's about it.  Also, I'm not entirely positive if this song is about Kansas City, Kansas, or Kansas City, Missouri.  I even tried to google the song-writer to find out where he was from, but my Google-Fu failed me.

2 out of 5 Tornadoes

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