Tuesday, December 19, 2017

25 Days of Jessmas Day 19: Oregon & Pennsylvania

On the 19th day of Jessmas, my Google-Fu found for me:


"Merry Christmas From Oregon" by: Christina Eastman

This song is 80's-tacular!  You got your drum machine, your smokey female vocals, and a fantastic album cover.  The lyrics aren't anything special, it's basically "Merry Christmas From Oregon" over and over.  It's an ok song.  I imagine if you live in Oregon and you hear this on the radio, it's nice driving-around-town music.

2 out of 5 Merry Christmas From Oregon Album Covers


"Home For the Holidays" by: Al Stillman & Robert Allen, Sung by Perry Como

This song isn't quite about Pennsylvania, but it mentions PA more than anywhere else.  I don't know what else to say about this song, because it's one everyone knows.  It's not my absolute favorite, but it is a true American Christmas classic.    

3.5 out of 5 Pumpkin Pies

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