Monday, June 24, 2013

Memory Lane Monday: More Tales From My Shit-Hole Apartment

Remember that story about my crazy neighbor when I lived alone? Well, I think her twin lives downstairs from us now. I've never met her, I've never even set eyes on her. But I know she's there based on the number phone calls Boyfriend gets from our senile landlord telling us "the lady downstairs says there's too much noise" coming from our apartment. I've done hours of online research, I've looked up our local and state noise ordinances, and asked around and I can find nothing that we are doing wrong. This issue has been on-going and it upsets Boyfriend and me so much that we are having trouble sleeping over it. I'm so furious I can barely write about it. This lady is relentless in her complaints. We don't even really know what it is we're doing that pisses her off so much. I have a theory that it's me and my new workout regimen.

A couple of weeks ago I decided that I was tired of feeling like a lazy chunker who sits at home all day. I wasn't satisfied with how my body looked and I've been self-conscious about my stomach pudge for years. In high school and through most of college, I had washboard abs simply from strict breathing exercises in choir and theatre, and body movement techniques and yoga. I had a smaller frame even after puberty, and I didn't really eat a lot. I wasn't anorexic, but I was just a bit of a picky eater and I mostly ate on a schedule because of school and extra-curricular activities. Then my depression and anxiety spiraled out of control after my sophomore year of college. I would go through phases where I would deliberately go long hours without eating until my blood sugar got super low that I would nearly pass out. Then I would just binge on anything and everything, mostly carbs. I didn't eat a lot of protein. My diet consisted of sandwiches, pizza, rice, ice cream, and lots and lots of alcohol. I didn't exercise except for walking about 3 blocks to work or classes. I felt horrible about myself. I was angry all the time. Angry at myself, angry at the world, angry angry angry.

You know, like this.

Often, I would wake up in the morning and not feel like going to class. I would lie in bed hitting the snooze button and restlessly snoozing trying to decided whether or not to go to class. More often than not, the inner demons won and I would either sleep in and miss class entirely or I would convince myself that I was sick and needed to stay home. Then a dirty lying guilt spiral would happen. I would feel horrible. I felt guilty that I disappointed my professor(s) by missing class. I felt like I disappointed my parents by not trying harder. I felt disappointed in myself for being terrible at everything.

Short story long, I gained a gross amount of weight my last year of college. At my heaviest in high school, I weighed around 105 pounds. By the time I left college, at my heaviest, I tipped the scales at 145 pounds. Blech. I was pushing the "normal weight" on the BMI scale big time. Through improving my diet and a battle with severe gross-mouth-won't-let-you-eat-itis last year, I lost enough weight that I no longer felt super chunky and gross. But I decided recently that that was not enough. I wanted to be more fit. Enter my new daily workout: the Just Dance franchise on the Wii.

Don't judge me, it's fun.

You may laugh, but it's worked really well for me; I've lost 4 pounds so far, I feel like I have more energy, I feel like I have better stamina, and I just feel better in general. I totally recommend it for anyone (especially other gamers) who want to get in better shape but have serious gym anxiety like me. Short-story-long: I do my Wii workout for about 45-60 minutes every day, and I've been feeling great. Unfortunately, the crazy lady who lives downstairs is not so happy. 

If you are unfamiliar with the Just Dance franchise, it is very different than DDR in that there is no dance pad that you stomp on; it's mostly moving your arms and upper body,  so, you can play it while just standing in place. To reiterate: no stomping is involved. No jumping has to be involved. Very little foot movement is involved. In fact, when I play it, I tend to just stand in place with my feet shoulder-width apart and move my feet as little as possible since we have limited space in our living area. Well, apparently this is just too damn much for crazy train downstairs. My dancing for an hour each day around noon bothers her to the extent that she feels the need to call our landlord to complain, instead of getting off her lazy ass and knocking on our door and being neighborly, asking, "Hey, the floorboards squeak too much, could you keep it down?" 
(To which I would ever-so-politely inform her that it is the middle of the day and I am partaking in no illegal or noise-ordinance-violating activities and would she be ever so kind as to pull the stick out of her ass and go fuck herself with it? Kthxbai. But I'd at least be neighborly about it.) 


There should never be this much stress in an apartment when video games and fitness  are involved, you guys. *Sigh* Four more months and we're out of this shit hole.

Friday, June 21, 2013

And That's When My Productivity Went Out The Window...

In the last week I came down with a cold, started rehearsals for a one-woman one-act play I will be in, did some freelance editing, and -most importantly- Boyfriend and I GOT A DOGGY!!! So, don't worry faithful readers (yes all 3 of you) I am very much alive and super duper busy, so that's why you have not heard from me in a while. 
Hopefully, I'll be back on some sort of regular writing schedule next week. Until then, please to enjoy pictures of the newest member of our family: Leeloo! 
(Yes, as in "Leeloo Dallas multipass.")

Leeloo at the park
Leeloo on Boyfriend's lap

Leeloo on our couch

I love this dog so much, you guys!!! Boyfriend says that I look beautiful and no one can tell I'm sick this week because I have the "new dog glow" (like pregnant women get, I guess.) LOL!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Memory Lane Monday: Merry Christmas! (White Liars Style)

Two weekends ago, Boyfriend and I participated in The 48 Hour Film Project with our friends, The White Liars. Neil and Andrew, our intrepid leaders, recieved the assignment on Friday at 6pm. Each team was assigned a genre -ours was vacation or holiday movie- a specific prop -a trophy- and a specific phrase -"When do you expect her"- which were all required for the film. Then we were turned loose and had exactly 48 hours to write, produce, edit, and score said film and turn it in to the festival producers. We did it with about 4 hours to spare last Sunday. All of us bruised (mostly me) battered (again, mostly me) and sleepy managed to crank out a pretty damn good short film. So good, in fact, that we were voted the Audience Favorite of our screening group last night! 
It was just like this, you guys.

 I am super proud of all of my friends who came together to collaborate so wonderfully on what could easily have been a train wreck.
Our fantabulous writer (and star) put it best in his lovely Facebook note to us:

So I'm awake now and just wanted to let everybody know how cool last night was for The White Liars. During the talk-back after the screenings when the filmmakers were asked how working under a 48 hour time constraint challenged us, I realized that it challenged us to get our shit together. Neil Fennell and I spent weeks leading up to this project working out how we wanted the weekend to go, blocking out times for writing, shooting, scoring, editing, securing our team, and apart from a few expected "unexpected" glitches everything moved ahead because of that preparation. What makes it really kind of magical is the rest of the team. Matthew Van Bockern, Lisa Mamazza, Melissa Dennis, Melissa Smith Andersen, Jess Ayers, Jarrett Sullivan, Dylan Myers, Melissa Rosenberger, Adam Pate, Joshua Michael Sausville, Erik Frandsen, Chelsea Vendette Lopez, and Sky Seals. How everybody did their jobs so damn well and without question or complaint after being up for far more hours than we're used to is a big part of the success of this film. What made it cool was that everybody in that theatre last night had a similar experience with their team, and after putting a well deserved check next to their own movie, put one next to ours. We know the love and devotion that goes into our films and projects, but it's really cool when other people see it too.

OK, sorry for the rant. Enjoy "The Friday Before Christmas"
-Andrew Harriss

So, without further ado, please to enjoy our 48 Hour movie.  
(If it won't play, you can click the link above.)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

And This is How I Know I Am Slowly Becoming Unhinged

Boyfriend and I made burritos/tacos for dinner a couple of nights ago, and they were delicious. This conversation was a result of Boyfriend's purchasing choices made on "taco night."

Me: Did you know you got two different kinds of refried beans the other night?

Boyfriend: Yes.

Me: Oh. Ok... So you bought two kinds of beans on purpose?

Boyfriend: Yup.

Me: Oh. Ok...Did we have this conversation already?

Boyfriend: Nope.

Me: Ok.  Are you sure?!

Boyfriend: Yup.

Me: Huh. I must have dreamed it then.

Boyfriend: ok..?

Me: Well, you bought two kinds of beans and I didn't know that so when I opened the second can today, they were all red and chunkier and I thought something was wrong with them especially after I tasted them and they made my tongue all tingly. But then I looked at the can and it said "spicy" on it but it didn't taste at all like the beans the other night. Then I got paranoid that something was wrong with the beans and I thought I was going mad, so I dug through the recycling bin to check the other can and it was the green pepper kind, so that's when I understood that the beans were fine, and you just bought two types. But then I got concerned because what if you didn't know you bought two different types of beans and now we couldn't take this one back because I had opened it and eaten it already. 
I thought we had this conversation already.  I swear we had this conversation...

Boyfriend: Nope.

Me: Huh, I must have dreamed it then. Weird.

Boyfriend: You were clearly very concerned about the beans.

Me: Welcome to the hell that is the insides of my brain.

Boyfriend: I'm sorry you live in a world of chaos where I buy two different types of beans.

Me: Me too. This is so stupid I have to blog it.

Boyfriend: Yup.

Why Boyfriend hasn't left me for a more stable human being, I may never know.