Saturday, March 10, 2012

Why are there no good walkthoughs?! ~UPDATED~

I've said it before, but I will say it again: I love Dragon Quest! RPG's may not be for everybody, but I think they are a genre that will continue to thrive even when other genres may wane.
I don't know how many hours I logged playing Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King on Playstation, but we're talking months of my life dedicated to completing that game. Twice.
The thing that really helped me beat the game twice was my trusty guidebook published by Brady Games. I used that book so much it literally fell apart and I had to transfer it to a 3-ring binder. The guidebook was much more helpful than anything I found online. 

Boyfriend bought me Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies for my 3DS a while ago to cheer me up after a bad day.  I was super excited! I figured that the Internet and the gaming community have changed quite a bit since DQVIII was released on Playstation 2 and that finding a helpful walk-thru for DQIX if I ran into trouble spots or couldn't find an alchemy recipe would be no problem. Between the hundreds of forums online and websites like IGN, GameFAQs, and the thousands of Wikia articles, you would logically think that somewhere out there would be a complete free guide or walk-thru or decent hint page.  Stupidly, I thought so too.

Anyone who has tried to look up a game walk-thru online knows that often you have to weed through the crappy ones written by people with grammar like a 10-year-old before you find one that is complete and works for you. This being said, there are some great wikia articles out there to help with tricky spots in games. (The Fallout Wiki is amazing. Kudos to all the countless authors who contributed to that!) 

I'm almost through the main story arc in DQIX at this point (that pesky thing called a "day job" keeps interfering.)  I think I only have one or two major bosses left to battle, so it's just grinding and treasure hunting at this point so I don't get my ass handed to me in the final boss battle. The problem is this:  The game was released in North America in July of 2010; it's been out for almost 2 years, and any of the trustworthy walk-thrus online on IGN or GameFAQs are incomplete-they only go up to the halfway point in the main story!  Well, that's helpful.

I've read mixed reviews on Amazon about the DQIX game guide, so I don't want to pay full price, but with the lack of helpful info on the interwebs has made me frustrated, so I'm caving and buying a used copy of the guidebook.
I'll let you know how it turns out.

UPDATED: 3/13/12 My game guide for DQIX finally came in the mail today!
I'll let you know what I think about it. Thank you to The Game Kingz for your excellent service! (No, they did not pay me to say that.)

UPDATED: 3/15/12 I'm not overly impressed with the guidebook thus far. Brady Games really dropped the ball on this one. I'm reeeeeeally glad I didn't pay full retail price for a brand new copy. I'll dedicate a separate post to my review of Dragon Quest IX game and the accompanying guidebook, otherwise this would be the longest amendment/update to a post in the history of history.

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