Saturday, March 24, 2012

White Liars

As I've mentioned before, I'm a theatre geek.  I got the performance bug in sixth grade when I got cast in a school play.  I studied theatre and acting in college, and got my degree. I moved out to NY in 2007 to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, but mostly I wanted to act. I want to write, and perform, and play video games. I don't think that's too much to ask from life, is it?

Luckily, in NYC there is no shortage of arty folks like myself, and I've gotten to do some really fun projects...and a lot of shitty ones. One not-shitty and very fun project I've had the privilege of being a part of is a web series called White Liars. It is written and produced and starring a good buddy of mine, and we've had so much fun making it. Season 1 premiered last summer and is available to view on their YouTube channel and on their website
Today, we shot one of the teasers for the Kickstarter campaign for the anticipated second season. I'm really excited, because I really think this season is going to be crazier and funnier than the first, plus I get to use a bow and arrow.  Here is the teaser from season one, enjoy! If you like it, please go watch the rest!

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