Monday, April 9, 2012

Chirpified PAX East Overview

I stumbled upon this website today called Chirpstory.  It's a neat little app you can connect to your Twitter feed and create a chronological "story" of events and conversations.  I'm testing it out. I made a PAX East 2012 story. I thought it would be a better overview or more interesting than sharing the blurbs from my journal and trying to explain them. (If you can't see the images you can go here.) I'll set the scene for you: Boyfriend and I left Thursday night for Boston via bus, but on my way home from work to get my suitcase, I was walking past Central Park listening to the Nerdist podcast with Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche and a pigeon shat on my chest.

P.S Chirpstory isn't paying me, I just thought it was neat and wanted to share.

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