Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Zulu Dawn: A Bittersweet Ending to the A-Z Challenge

Zulu Dawn was a 1979 film dramatization of the Battle of Isandlwana.  What was the Battle of Isandlwana?  No idea.  Wiki it.  My British history is rusty.  I've actually never heard of this movie, yet alone seen it.  I only bring it up because this movie features a wonderful actor who the world was forced to bid farewell to yesterday.  Bob Hoskins died from pneumonia yesterday.  He was 71.

To the Brits, he was a delightful and talented gentleman who rose to international acclaim from an accidental start in show business.  American audiences of a certain age probably know him best for his roles in Steven Spielberg's Hook, Robert Zemeckis' Who Framed Roger Rabbit, or maybe the shit-show less than popular Super Mario Bros. live-action film.

Regardless, Mr. Hoskins was beloved by many and I was so sad when I learned of his passing.  I was at work when I overheard my manager say "That guy from Roger Rabbit died" and I almost cried.  That sadness quickly turned to irritation and rage when I screamed "Bob Hoskins died?!?!" and my manager looked at me like I had grown an extra head because 1) I knew his name, and 2) I was so upset I almost cried. 

Rest in Peace, Bob Hoskins, I loved your career.  
Thank you for helping make my childhood magical.

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