Monday, November 25, 2013

Memory Lane Monday: And I Thought L.A Would Be Boring...

Saturday was The Day of the Doctor, as any self-respecting Whovian would know. Unfortunately, I did not get to experience it live like the rest of the world. Because of budgetary concerns and simply because we refuse to give Time Warner Cable any more of our money, Boyfriend and I opted to not get cable after we moved. The internet and our vast collection of video game systems are more than enough for us. But, it is not without its downside. The downside being Boyfriend was at work all day Saturday (i.e. he had the car) and I was stuck at home, avoiding social media to prevent spoiling anything for myself. So, it was just me, Leeloo, and the PS3, and we settled in for a long boring day while we waited for Boyfriend to come home so we could definitely not illegally download the 50th Anniversary Special and watch it. As it turns out, our day was not so boring after all.

The day started normally enough: Boyfriend got up at the ass-crack of dawn to go to work all day with One Direction. Oh yeah, he got to be part of that 8 hour live stream magic. There was even supposed to be a Doctor Who patch-in and I waited for Boyfriend to text me so I could go online and watch it (seriously, I wasn't about to sit through 3 hours of 1D Day just for them to throw Doctor Who a bone.) But the text I got from Boyfriend in the late morning was that the Live "Doctor Who segment just went tits up" (that is a direct quote from Boyfriend via text) so that's when I said fuck it and decided to play Ni No Kuni for the rest of the day. Then things got...interesting. 

Sort of...

Around noon, Leeloo was sleeping on my lap while I was grinding and treasure hunting in Ni No Kuni when a noise scared the shit out of us. This was no ordinary noise. I'd never heard anything like this. My neighbor later described it as sounding like someone was dragging a washing machine full of bricks across concrete. But it was more than that, and it happened 3 or 4 times. It was so loud, it vibrated the building. It sounded like something heavy and metallic being dragged across cement mixed with a Tesla Cannon... inside my courtyard. Car alarms started going off, the power failed, Leeloo started running around barking her head off, and I could hear a crowd of neighbors exiting the building asking "What the fuck...?"  My first reaction was to think earthquake, but I've experienced one earthquake in my life and it didn't feel/sound like this. My second reaction was it sounded like a power plant explosion, but we didn't live near one. My third reaction was panic. After the fourth occurrence of the noise, curiosity overtook my fear and I went outside like the rest of the residents of the block. I documented the incident via Twitter just in case.

It turns out at least 2 of the directional transformers on the power line poles on our street shorted out and/or exploded. Very exciting. Except for the part where I didn't save my game and the power went out. And then it happened agin later in the day when the power company was trying to fix the situation. #NerdGurlProblems am I right? (Apparently loud explosions in my neck of the woods are not uncommon this year.)

And just when I thought my day couldn't get any more exciting...I was wrong again. I hate that. 

Leeloo and I went for a night walk around the neighborhood since we were no longer in danger of encountering downed power lines. towards the end of our loop back home, a lady in a Prius pulled up asking me if I'd seen a golden retriever running around. I told her that I had not and wished her luck. She drove off. Not 30 seconds later a giant golden dog bounded up to me, happy as could be. I grabbed him by the collar and turned hoping the Prius lady was driving slowly enough that I could yell at her, but she was gone. had I been on my own, I probably could have handled this giant 70+ lb dog, but his giant body that bounded around out of control, combined with Leeloo sprinting around my legs to simultaneously smell and hide from this behemoth dog made anything difficult. Somehow I managed to walk/hobble/be dragged down the street close-ish to the corner street light and miraculously, I got the giant dog to sit long enough for me to find his tag and call his owner to tell her I had him. 

Leeloo and I sat with our new friend, "Buddy" waiting for his mom. Well, Buddy and I sat, Leeloo sprinted in circles barking at his Buddy's giant rudder tail. I was feeling really good about myself and how serendipitous it was to be at the right place at the right time to reunite a frantic (oh boy, and I do mean frantic) dog owner with her Buddy. Stupid me. I should know better than to give the universe a chance to piss on my parade.  

Buddy's mom pulled up in her car several minutes later. Buddy, in his excitement (and me in my sillyness) got so excited/riled up at the site of her car, that he leaped forward just as I was trying to stand up. The next thing I knew was my face was firmly planted on the sidewalk, my knees hurt like hell, and Buddy was sprinting away into the darkness. Leeloo, the ever-staunch observer, barked and hopped around in the direction Buddy ran. I staggered after him into the blackness of some strange people's yard, but I couldn't find him. I ran back to the owner's car. She was standing there perplexed. I'm willing to give this woman the benefit of the doubt that she was just having a really bad day and was distraught at her dog running away, but to say that she was a basket-case would be the understatement of the century.

Short story long, Buddy got away again, but as the owner, and soon her friends in the Prius, and I congregated, dumbfounded, her cell phone rang. Someone else had found Buddy almost half a mile away. They all drove off into the night to retrieve Buddy, thanking me for my efforts. I hobbled home with Leeloo, hoping that Buddy was alright and that this story had a happy ending. My knees sure didn't have a happy ending.

No good deed goes unpunished

 But, it's nothing an underpants bandage can't fix.

I did eventually get to watch the 50th Anniversary Special and I also watched An Adventure in Space and Time. If you are a Whovian and have not seen either/both of these yet, get off your ass, you are missing out. They were/are both even better than I hoped for. 
Go. Go watch now! If you've watched, go watch again!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Favorites: Someone Better Come Pick Me Up in a TaRDIS Tomorrow...or else.

Tomorrow is The Day of the Doctor!!! Unfortunately, I don't have cable, so I can't watch it live. My one Whovian friend in this city is actually in London for the premier frivolities. Sadly, I will have trouble getting anywhere where I might view the fabulous-ness of the day because Nerdmelt and other cool places are too far for me to walk because I won't have a car tomorrow because Boyfriend has has to work (on some super top-secret live event at the YouTube Studios...coincidence? Yeah, probably.)

-Allie Brosh on NPR
I love this girl so much. Go buy her book. *Trigger Warning: She discusses self-harm and depression.

-This is incredible
*Trigger Warning: this is a comic strip is intended for adults and discusses childhood sexual violence.

-Parenting: you're doing it right
My dinosaurs came to life too.

-GoldieBlox: Empowering our future female engineers
This is a great toy and we need more like it. If you want to help this awesome video air during the Superbowl, go vote here!

-Kanye starts a feud with Zappos?
Normally I don't pay attention to the "Imma let you finish" guy but Zappos' CEO just won the internet. The product comments are amazing.

-Super cafe: Who's a Hero
And last but not least, in honor of The Doctor. LOL

Monday, November 18, 2013

Memory Lane Monday: L.A Vs. NYC (Round 1) or Dear God What Have I Done?!

I've been in L.A for 3 weeks now. I knew it would be an adjustment, but I'm having a much harder time feeling settled and feeling like I'm "home" than expected. I still wake up in the morning half expecting to be in my old shit-hole apartment. I'm relieved that I'm not, but then I remember that I no longer live in NY and I get a little sad/confused/scared/happy.

I'm definitely feeling more insecurity than I've felt in a long time (which is saying a lot, actually.) I miss my NY friends. A lot.  I miss my routine. I feel scared and guilty and horrified that I've made a terrible mistake. I got cast in a play from the very first audition I went on after I got here, and I was feeling pretty good about myself despite my homesickness. Unfortunately, this weekend some serious high-school-level crazy drama bullshit went down and I'm no longer enjoying my theatrical experience. I won't go into it here and now, since it's still fresh and I don't know how it's all going to pan out yet, plus I don't want to embarrass anyone or burn any bridges this early in my L.A tenure.  I'd be lying, though, if I said it wasn't contributing to my melancholy today.
All those feelings aside, I have made some humorous (at least to me) observances about the differences between NYC and L.A...wait observances? That's not right is it? Observations. Fucking brain. I need to start drinking earlier...
Anywho, there are some subtle -let's call them oddities- I was unaware of before arriving in California:

-In NY, no one can drive worth a damn, and they will run your ass over, but usually they can't go faster than 30 mph, but they'll gladly flip you off afterwards.  
In L.A, no one can drive worth a damn and they will run your ass over going 75 while they sip their non-fat decaf soy mocha latte and gladly flick their cigarette butt out the window at you.

-In NY if you invite your friends out and they decline, it might be because the subway is all screwed up and they won't be able to get home easily after 10pm. 
In L.A if you invite your friends out and they decline it's probably because they found "the most amazing parking spot" and don't want to go out because they'll lose it. (True story, I wish I were joking.)

-NY is filthy. 
L.A is filthier.

-In NY if you want to see nature, you have to get in a car and drive for an hour to go upstate.
In L.A if you want to see nature, you just have to wait for a not-so-smoggy day and you can see the mountains. 

-In NY it's not completely unheard of to see a full-grown man dressed up in an elaborate black and white Charlie Chaplin costume getting onto the subway.
In L.A it's not completely unheard of to see a full-grown man dressed up in an elaborate black and white Charlie Chaplin costume getting into his car.

-NY, even though it is an oblong island shape, it is a grid for the most part.

L.A and the surrounding areas are...whatever the fuck this is:

-In NY a student film casting call will say something like "18-30 female, brunette, 5'6" and taller, 120lbs, must be comfortable with same sex kissing, must be comfortable with full-frontal nudity and simulating sex on camera, payment: no pay, copy, credit."

In L.A student film casting will say something like "18-30 female, blond, 5'6" and taller, must be comfortable with same sex kissing, must be comfortable with full-frontal nudity and simulating sex on camera, Payment: deferred pay, lunch, copy, credit."

-New Yorkers have the reputation for being rude, but I understand them.

Angelenos are friendly in comparison, but it weirds me out on some level.

These are my observations thus far. Stay tuned, I'm sure I'll catalog some more in the coming months. For now, if you'll send your thoughts, feelings, prayers, good juju, etc my way in the hopes that I can get a job soon, that'd be great. Thanks, guys.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday Favorites: OMG I Need a Job

Holy shit, it's Friday! 
This week flew by. I'm sitting here drinking wine out of a 33 cent plastic Darth Vader cup because we still don't have wine glasses. I haven't had a do-nothing day since we moved and I'm starting to feel the stress of it all. Nevertheless, I still had plenty of time to find these gems on the interwebs to share with you guys.
You're welcome.

-5 Awesome Things Invented By the Last People You'd Expect
Yup, quite unexpected.

-Big Fluffy Dog and Tiny Kitteh Play
Oh the feels!!! If this doesn't bring a smile to your day, I cannot help you.

-How to Interact With an Introvert
I love love love this! I don't know that I'm a true introvert. I think I stand somewhere in between intro and extro. But all my anxiety makes me appear as though I'm a true introvert.

-Inspirational Disney Quotes
Thanks Uncle Walt!

-Thomas the Tank Engine Crash Compilation
Maybe I'm in a weird place today, but this cracked me up

-Tonight You Belong to Me
If this doesn't make you smile (or double over in laughter as it does for Boyfriend) then I'm sorry to inform you, you have no soul.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Memory Lane Monday: I Miss NY

I have been in California for a little less than 2 weeks, and I'm feeling bouts of homesickness for NY, helplessness, and a general feeling of overwhelmy-ness. Maybe these feelings will go away faster once I have my own car, (Boyfriend and I are sharing a car now) I get my feet wet acting wise, or I get a job.

There are plenty of reasons for me to feel ok right now. Boyfriend's amazing string of apartment luck struck again the day after we arrived. We stumbled upon our new digs less than 24 hours after arriving in L.A. We were looking at a building and were really underwhelmed by it, and as we were walking back to our car, we saw another building with 1 bedroom apartments for rent, called the number on the sign, saw the apartment, loved it, and put in an application. We were approved the next day and moved in a couple of days later. Another Sullivan apartment miracle!

I really like our new apartment. It has its idiosyncrasies that I'm not in love with, but for a first-time L.A apartment that we found randomly, it can't be beat. Our place has new carpet, new paint, new appliances, A.C, a garbage disposal (you will never know how much you miss having one until you don't have one,) new kitchen tile, decent neighbors (so far,) a walk-in closet, a giant bathroom, and a great open floor plan.  Our apartment is great and costs us $200 less than our smaller, crappier NY apartment.  But I'm still homesick for NY. I miss our corner bodega that I could walk to at any hour of the day in my PJs and get anything I needed: amazing coffee, an amazing sandwich, any number of organic groceries. Here in North Hollywood, we have 3 corner stores within walking distance and a 7-11 within a longer walk, and all of those stores together cannot hold a candle to Verdi Fresh. It's weird how something so small can make you so down.

I miss no delivery fees, I miss NY pizza already, I miss walking everywhere, I miss my friends, I miss a couple of our old neighbors, I even kind of miss the subway. It's so weird. I've had a couple of anxiety attacks since we got here, but I have to be careful about taking my meds now because I can't drive after taking them and since I have to drive pretty much everywhere here...yeah. The transition has felt a little better than I expected but it's the little things that I didn't expect that have been setting me off. I went to get change out of my purse the other day and found my MetroCard (it probably has 95 cents on it and is completely useless) and I almost cried. I watch my friends YouTube videos and realize that they are now 3000 miles away instead of 6 blocks away.

On the plus side, I got cast in the very first thing I auditioned for here. And of all things, it's a play. I was in NYC for almost 7 years and I did maybe 6 plays. I'm in L.A for a week and boom: cast in a play. Crazy. I have heard that casting directors here go nuts for NY actors. I guess it sounds prestigious or something. Well, I'll take it, I need everything in my corner that I can get.

Hmm...I was going to try to make this post funny since I really haven't blogged in a while. Whelp this is all I got today.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Favorites: The Return of the Interwebs

We finally have internet!!!!! I didn't realize how much I missed just dicking around online until I was without a computer with an internet connection for almost 2 weeks. I missed a lot, but I felt like I really experienced America. It was great fun driving 2800 miles across the country.
Boyfriend, Leeloo and I have a new apartment in North Hollywood. It's a really great living space and it's slowly coming together with all of our stuff. So far, L.A is more of a culture shock than I expected and I am currently feeling some homesickness for Astoria. I sort feel like I just returned from the most amazing vacation on Mars only to discover that I have in fact returned "home" on the Moon. The internet helps, though. I sat down to "check my e-mail" and "look for a job" about 3 hours ago. I have finished doing neither of those tasks. Oh internet...don't ever change.

-L.A I am in you!
And I plan on making some changes

My tat serves a similar purpose, to look at it an see my own strength

-Much Loved
I need this book for my brand new coffee table

-War on Kinkade
I also require one of these prints for my plethora of new walls

-Swedish Cinemas on the gender bias in movies
I am sad that so many of my favorite movies fail this test, but it won't prevent me from loving them. We just need to do better moving forward. And when I say 'we' I'm looking at you, Hollywood! (See first entry.)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday Favorites: Halloween Edition

As I sit here typing this, (scheduling it to publish on Nov 1st since I don't think I'll have internet or a place to live yet) I am trying desperately to breathe normally and not have a full-blown anxiety attack. I leave NYC in 11 days, give or a take a few hours. I fluctuate violently from excitement to sadness to full on panic. It's been rough. Hopefully, by the time you read this post, I will be in Denver making a nice long pit stop to visit family before making the final leg of our journey and arriving in L.A by Halloween. Needless to say, I won't be doing much interwebs browsing in the coming days, so I'm stock-piling some cool stuff here. You're welcome.

-It's Just a Cat
Ah, the classic scary movie trope

-Needless Video Game Features 
It makes you want to scream doesn't it?

-Australia Welcomes You