Monday, November 11, 2013

Memory Lane Monday: I Miss NY

I have been in California for a little less than 2 weeks, and I'm feeling bouts of homesickness for NY, helplessness, and a general feeling of overwhelmy-ness. Maybe these feelings will go away faster once I have my own car, (Boyfriend and I are sharing a car now) I get my feet wet acting wise, or I get a job.

There are plenty of reasons for me to feel ok right now. Boyfriend's amazing string of apartment luck struck again the day after we arrived. We stumbled upon our new digs less than 24 hours after arriving in L.A. We were looking at a building and were really underwhelmed by it, and as we were walking back to our car, we saw another building with 1 bedroom apartments for rent, called the number on the sign, saw the apartment, loved it, and put in an application. We were approved the next day and moved in a couple of days later. Another Sullivan apartment miracle!

I really like our new apartment. It has its idiosyncrasies that I'm not in love with, but for a first-time L.A apartment that we found randomly, it can't be beat. Our place has new carpet, new paint, new appliances, A.C, a garbage disposal (you will never know how much you miss having one until you don't have one,) new kitchen tile, decent neighbors (so far,) a walk-in closet, a giant bathroom, and a great open floor plan.  Our apartment is great and costs us $200 less than our smaller, crappier NY apartment.  But I'm still homesick for NY. I miss our corner bodega that I could walk to at any hour of the day in my PJs and get anything I needed: amazing coffee, an amazing sandwich, any number of organic groceries. Here in North Hollywood, we have 3 corner stores within walking distance and a 7-11 within a longer walk, and all of those stores together cannot hold a candle to Verdi Fresh. It's weird how something so small can make you so down.

I miss no delivery fees, I miss NY pizza already, I miss walking everywhere, I miss my friends, I miss a couple of our old neighbors, I even kind of miss the subway. It's so weird. I've had a couple of anxiety attacks since we got here, but I have to be careful about taking my meds now because I can't drive after taking them and since I have to drive pretty much everywhere here...yeah. The transition has felt a little better than I expected but it's the little things that I didn't expect that have been setting me off. I went to get change out of my purse the other day and found my MetroCard (it probably has 95 cents on it and is completely useless) and I almost cried. I watch my friends YouTube videos and realize that they are now 3000 miles away instead of 6 blocks away.

On the plus side, I got cast in the very first thing I auditioned for here. And of all things, it's a play. I was in NYC for almost 7 years and I did maybe 6 plays. I'm in L.A for a week and boom: cast in a play. Crazy. I have heard that casting directors here go nuts for NY actors. I guess it sounds prestigious or something. Well, I'll take it, I need everything in my corner that I can get.

Hmm...I was going to try to make this post funny since I really haven't blogged in a while. Whelp this is all I got today.

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