Monday, September 26, 2011

So, this is why I'm a klutz...

I mentioned earlier that I injured myself. As it turns out, I hurt myself a lot. In fact, I'm shocked that in the 4 years I went without health insurance, that I didn't get hurt more often or more seriously (especially since I was young and stupid then). Well, it turns out that it is not my meniscus, it is actually my quadricep that is torn plus I also have a tiny cyst behind my kneecap. Awesome.

As I've also pointed out in the past, I do not run. Running and I do not like each other. I will sprint is deemed necessary (necessary meaning running from mugger/police/zombie, running towards train/bus/ice cream truck, etc). Heck, I don't even own a Wii Fit/PlayStation Move/Kinect. The most physical activity involved in my gaming involves me screaming at the TV or getting up to pee every hour or so.

The week my knee/leg started hurting, I do not recall running at all. I was walking a little more than normal due to an event at my job, but nothing really strenuous. My Physical Therapist thinks I may have had so many "micro-tears" over the years (I was really rough on my knees as a kid) that it finally just ripped. Boo. So, no yoga for a while and probably several more weeks of wearing this ridiculous knee brace and hobbling around like a cowboy who just got kicked by a pony. Oh well, more time to game!!!, because now I have PT homework...le sigh...

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