Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Tax Man Cometh (and Other Bullshit)

So, tomorrow is Tax Day here in the good ol' U.S. of A. Did I just remind you? Do you need to go do your taxes super fast instead of reading this? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Oh good, you're back!

So, if you were following my ridiculous bird saga over the past few weeks, you might be starting to wonder if I'm alright in the head. Truthfully? Not quite. I've been stressing lately about life. It happens. But lately, it's been affecting my writing. At night as I'm trying to drift off to sleep a hundred ideas and nagging thoughts about writing and making the blog better and other creative awesomeness swirl around in my brain. Maybe I jot them down, maybe I don't.  But then every time I sit down at my desk to actually write I start to have those feelings of failure, and those nagging voices saying "you should have done this already now it's too late, you suck" creep up and I question everything about myself and my decisions in life. It always feels so much easier to curl up and lose yourself in a game or a good book than to think about the shit hole that you fear your life is slowly becoming. 

This is starting to sound a little Doom Cloud-y and actually, I don't know if I'm in a place where I want to share this right now. I just knew I needed to start writing something. Um...ta da?

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, if taxes or birds or other crazy shit has got you down right now. You are not alone. WE are not alone, you guys.

P.S My thoughts on Harvest Moon: A New Beginning are coming, I promise! I want to make sure I unlock everything before completing and posting my review. Also, gotta make sure ye olde brain is ticking away properly too. But that's another story...

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