Monday, April 29, 2013

Memory Lane Monday: The post I'm not allowed to Write

Yesterday I did some work on a new film that is coming out next summer. But, since I signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement, if I tell you about it, I could get in trouble and probably blacklisted from working on movies again. So, I'm posting this to say, sorry for no Memory Lane Monday post today! 

But, I can tell you that the scene I was in looks like it's going to be pretty awesome. Also, I can say that the movie's current working title is London Calling. I'll let you use your Google-fu to do any snooping for information that I'm not allowed to give away. But I will be sure to post about my super cool day on or around May 2, 2014.

london calling movie


  1. Wow, surprisingly easy to find out what film it is! Suffice to say I am very jealous and look forward to reading about it!

    1. It really is easy, isn't it? The cast and crew all had to sign NDAs and were forbidden from having phones on set, but we shot on the street so anyone walking by could (and would) take photos and video of the production. It sounds way more glamorous than it actually was, and I might be on-screen for a split-second, but it was definitely an experience.

  2. Just got caught up on all your blog entries, Jess. So happy for you that this most recent entry is about another opportunity for you to do what you love to do (in addition to gaming, of course!). Keep blogging and I'll keep reading!!

    1. Thanks Aunt Pam!!! Glad you enjoyed your trip 'round the world!


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