Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Naughty Dog has done it again! I finally got to start playing Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception last night and it is all I could hope for and more! Thanks to Boyfriend and iFixit, the PS3 is working beautifully.
I had pre-ordered the special edition from GameStop last month, and the store called me twice over the weekend to remind me to come pick it up at Midnight on 1/1/11. (Like I needed reminding.) But on Halloween morning, the GameStop called me again and the girl on the phone said I could come by at 10pm to get my game! My excited gamer brain took over and did not stop to think logically about what this girl had just told me (it's a midnight release, why would I be allowed to get it before midnight?). So, I went to the store at 10pm as instructed and was told I could only pay for the game, but could not take it out of the store until midnight. Balls.

Well, maybe I'm just old and boring, but I needed to be asleep by midnight so I could go to work at the ass crack of sunrise the next morning, plus go to PT for my leg (oh, yeah, that's still not better). So, I opted to just wait until after work to pick it up.

It was totally worth it! I stepped up to the counter and gave them my account information. the goobery guy behind the counter went to "the back" and brought out a big-ass box: my special edition of the game. When he plopped that box down on the counter a collective "oooooo" from the dudes in line behind me filled the store, and a ridiculous grin spread over my face. "Whoa."

I hurried home as fast as my gimp knee would carry me. Once I got settled in my apartment, I showed Boyfriend my new toy and his reaction was something along the lines of "It's huge!"
I sat coddling the box and savoring the experience of owning something I'd waited so long for, and then explored its contents. The game comes in an awesome metal collector tin/case. The collector's edition also comes with Drake's belt buckle and ring on a leather cord, plus a Nathan Drake figurine. All of this is housed in a neato burgundy box with gold etching. While the box is made out of what feels like cardboard, everything else is very solid. There is also an Explorer's Edition" that includes the strategy guide and comes in a treasure chest/suitcase. I didn't get that one since I'm not made of money.It finally came time to play!!! I only played for about 3 hours (that whole eating dinner and having to sleep thing kind of got in the way) but it was a great 3 hours. The puzzles so far have been easy enough, but I didn't get super far into the game (mostly because I still really suck at FPS). I really liked playing as 14-year-old Drake in the beginning and I'm so glad Sully has returned yet again! I can't wait to get home from work tonight and play some more. Boyfriend has to work late tonight, so I told him not to worry, that Nathan Drake will keep me company.

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