Monday, October 31, 2011

The Halloween Creeper

Normally Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but in the last couple of years, it's been feeling a bit lackluster. A couple of years ago, I went as Leeloo from The Fifth Element. Since I was pretty poor at the time and making shit-all for money at my job, I made the costume on the cheap out of medical gauze/bandages from the drugstore, not the best idea since the forecast was calling for some rain, but I figured since it was an unusually warm Halloween, this was my chance to go out and not freeze to death.

The night was a disaster. Boyfriend and I wanted to go to the parade that goes through the village, since I had never been before. We got on the train and rode into the city (we were living in Brooklyn at the time) but by the time we got there, the skies had opened up and there was a torrential downpour. It was like something out of a disaster flick. We had a tiny umbrella for the 2 of us and it did very little in the way of keeping us dry. We couldn't see the parade over everyone's umbrellas, so we decided to cut our losses and just go home. We turned around to try to get back in the train station, but the police had blocked off the entrance. We trudged through the crowds and the buckets of rain that were slowly dissolving my costume. We finally found a train station that the cops didn't block off and waited for the train. My costume was still covering the parts that needed to be covered, but I felt a little naked. It was a sauna in the train station, especially with all the rain, it was humid as hell. Even while wearing next to nothing, I was sweating and uncomfortable. While we were standing talking and waiting for the train, Boyfriend stopped and suddenly went ape shit on this middle-aged guy who was apparently taking pictures of me from behind without asking. Boyfriend chased him down the platform a bit screaming at him, while I, embarrassed nearly to tears, covered up with Boyfriend's coat.

This brings me to today's lesson: If a girl is dressed in a sexy Halloween costume at a party with her friends, or even at a bar, it's probably ok for people to take pictures, because it's a safe environment. However, if you are at a Con or out on the street (parades are the exception to this rule) and see a girl dressed all sexy, fucking ask before you take their picture! It's rude not to ask. Yes, they want to be seen, otherwise they would not have worn a costume that grabs people's attentions, but their image is their intellectual property and they have every right to not want it to be captured by some creeper they don't know.
So, somewhere out there some random 40-year-old guy has a series of pictures of my ass in tighty-whities in a NY train station. #ThingsThatMakeYouGoBleh

Happy Halloween, stay safe everybody!
Me post Halloween rain storm. (You can sort of see where the orange is washing out of my hair and where the costume is coming apart on the right and on my legs.)

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