Monday, November 28, 2011

Post Holiday Post

I took a wee hiatus for the last couple of weeks, mostly because of Turkey Day, among other happenings. Brief recap: Boyfriend's laptop was stolen 2 weeks ago while he was working a gig at a swanky hotel chain (which will remain nameless for now, lest they decide to not reimburse him, then the Internet smearing campaign will commence). We were both furious about this theft. I have a desktop that I can use at my office where I work, but Boyfriend's job/office is his laptop; it's a major part of his livelihood. I was so angry on his behalf, that I couldn't even bring myself to write about it, and I usually do some of my best writing when I'm upset/angry/feeling some strong emotion.

Boyfriend has since gotten a new laptop on a payment plan while we await the hotel claims department's decision on how much/if they will compensate him. We also visited my family for Turkey Day in Colorado. We had a grand nerdy time too! We went to the Museum, we went indoor skydiving, we went cowboy clothes shopping at Sheplers ("the Disneyland of western stores") where Boyfriend got his self a real cowboy hat, and then we ate delicious food like gluttons!

Now it's back to work, grinding away so I can buy Christmas presents for everyone.

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