Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mortal Kombat of Love (Updated)

I believe I have already made it known that Boyfriend is awesome. Whenever I think he can't out-do his awesomeness, he goes and surprises me. Yesterday was Valentine's Day. I totally forgot. I didn't remember until I realized that 50% of the men I passed on the street were carrying flowers of one kind or another (mostly roses, though).

Now, starting when I was a teenager, I found Valentine's Day annoying and trite (yes, I'm one of those people). To me, it's sort of just another day, like Groundhog Day or Flag Day; if someone wishes me well on that day, I will appreciate it and smile and return the sentiment, but listening to the women in my office squealing and going nuts over flowers and candy and teddy bears is irritating when I'm trying to concentrate at my desk or talk to a customer on the phone. However, unlike when I was a teen, I no longer parade this indifference around and wear it like a badge on my sleeve. I just sort of ignore the "holiday" that is Valentine's Day. If you make a big deal out of V-Day, good for you, I wish you well and a happy day, I just don't like it all up in my face all day.

I'm a firm believer in celebrating the ones you love every day, not just one day a year because the calendar tells you to and it's what is expected. Boyfriend and I tell each other that we love one another every day (sometimes it's sickening, I'll admit it). He also knows that I don't expect him to make a big deal out of the day, and he doesn't expect me to do anything too over-the-top. Nevertheless, I wanted to do something to make him feel special yesterday because he does so much for me every day (more than he probably realizes). I went and found a sort-of-mushy-I-love-you card and thought about getting him some candy. But then I remembered that Boyfriend is currently 1/3 of the way through his 90-day workout/diet plan to get into shape, and I'm very proud of him and how committed he's been to it, so I didn't want to bring temptation into the apartment with candy in a heart-shaped box. So I got him lower sodium beef jerky. Nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like a bag of beef jerky (except maybe this...eew).

When I got home, he was waiting for me at the door with a single rose and an adorable video-game-themed valentine he bought from an awesome independent designer on Etsy (take THAT Hallmark, you will have none of Boyfriend's money)! I was quite impressed with his ability to take a common V-Day gift and put his own spin on it. It made me feel all warm and gooey inside and special that he made that little extra effort plus he supported an independent artist. This is why I love him. If our relationship was Mortal Kombat of Love, he would totally be winning.

Friendship Fatality?


  1. I love this. I love the nerdy Valentine's. I bought my boyfriend Skyrim and drew a Skyrim themed Valentine on it.

  2. I'm not allowed to play Skyrim. Because if I start playing, I will cease to be a "productive member of society" and I gots bills to pay.


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