Monday, June 10, 2013

Memory Lane Monday: Merry Christmas! (White Liars Style)

Two weekends ago, Boyfriend and I participated in The 48 Hour Film Project with our friends, The White Liars. Neil and Andrew, our intrepid leaders, recieved the assignment on Friday at 6pm. Each team was assigned a genre -ours was vacation or holiday movie- a specific prop -a trophy- and a specific phrase -"When do you expect her"- which were all required for the film. Then we were turned loose and had exactly 48 hours to write, produce, edit, and score said film and turn it in to the festival producers. We did it with about 4 hours to spare last Sunday. All of us bruised (mostly me) battered (again, mostly me) and sleepy managed to crank out a pretty damn good short film. So good, in fact, that we were voted the Audience Favorite of our screening group last night! 
It was just like this, you guys.

 I am super proud of all of my friends who came together to collaborate so wonderfully on what could easily have been a train wreck.
Our fantabulous writer (and star) put it best in his lovely Facebook note to us:

So I'm awake now and just wanted to let everybody know how cool last night was for The White Liars. During the talk-back after the screenings when the filmmakers were asked how working under a 48 hour time constraint challenged us, I realized that it challenged us to get our shit together. Neil Fennell and I spent weeks leading up to this project working out how we wanted the weekend to go, blocking out times for writing, shooting, scoring, editing, securing our team, and apart from a few expected "unexpected" glitches everything moved ahead because of that preparation. What makes it really kind of magical is the rest of the team. Matthew Van Bockern, Lisa Mamazza, Melissa Dennis, Melissa Smith Andersen, Jess Ayers, Jarrett Sullivan, Dylan Myers, Melissa Rosenberger, Adam Pate, Joshua Michael Sausville, Erik Frandsen, Chelsea Vendette Lopez, and Sky Seals. How everybody did their jobs so damn well and without question or complaint after being up for far more hours than we're used to is a big part of the success of this film. What made it cool was that everybody in that theatre last night had a similar experience with their team, and after putting a well deserved check next to their own movie, put one next to ours. We know the love and devotion that goes into our films and projects, but it's really cool when other people see it too.

OK, sorry for the rant. Enjoy "The Friday Before Christmas"
-Andrew Harriss

So, without further ado, please to enjoy our 48 Hour movie.  
(If it won't play, you can click the link above.)

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