Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Return of the Cursed Writer's Block

'Tis true. I am suffering from a severe bought of Writer's Block...again.  I didn't get to go to PAX Prime, or Dragon Con this weekend, so I won't even attempt to write about those two awesome things. NYCC is coming up soon, but after the debacle that was last year, I'm still not certain we will be attending. But, since it is a new blog year, I mulled over ideas of ways to spice up or make the blog more fun.  I got nothing.  I will announce, however, a new theme day coming to Gurl on Girl-Gaming!

I now dub Mondays "Memory Lane Mondays," in which I will continue my oh-so popular My Shit-hole Apartment series, but I also plan to add a dash of nerdy nostalgia on occasion. 
And that's all I got so far. Feel free to submit ideas or your thoughts, feelings, concerns, etc. on theme days 'cause I'm tapped out right now. So, I leave you with this:

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