Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I'm Melting

If you're in the Tri-State Area right now, you are probably melting like me. It's fuggin' hot, people! (fuggin = muggy + fuckin') It's awful here. I'm so happy this is my last summer in NY and I'm so happy I get to be inside most of the day today instead of outside working in the sun. Although, thanks to my job, I do have a small tan for the first time in a decade. But I digress...

My show opens tonight!!!! I'm starting to get a little nervous. I might need to take some anti-anxiety meds on top of the allergy medicine and the couch suppressants I'm already taking because of my allergies that have appaerntly turned into a sinus infection. 
Bleh. I hate NY in the summer sometimes. Anywho...

Have you guys gotten the new Mii Plaza update on the 3DS and/or the 3DSXL? It's flippin great! I plan to write a short review very soon, so keep a look out for that! But for now, I just wanted to check in and tell everyone to stay cool!



1 comment:

  1. And I just realized that it says "couch" suppressants when I meant COUGH suppressants. Herp-a-derp.
    I could have gone back to correct it, but I'll leave it 'cause it's funny.


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