Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Liebster Award

So, a lovely gal who reads my blog from across the pond nominated me for The Liebster Award. Thank you, Aimee Lewis, that is very sweet and much appreciated! I'm not gonna lie, I had to look up what it meant (and also since I'm slightly paranoid, I wanted to make sure it's really a thing.) It turns out, it is actually a thing. The Liebster Award comes from the German meaning for dearest or beloved, so I approve. 

What is the Liebster Award?
The nominees for the award are bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers with the purpose of helping them reach a new audience and bond with their readers/other bloggers. 
I like it. I think it's a delightful tool. The challenge for me is living up to this lovely award and then the "pay if forward" aspect of the award. I follow lots of blogs, but I think they all have larger audiences than I do. (see the rules below)

The Rules:
-Nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them. (Check)
-If nominated, write '11 Random Facts' about yourself. (elevensies check)
-Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you wrote for you. (check-ish)
-Come up with 11 new questions to be answered by 11 new nominees. (Can't decide...brain explosion)

11 Random Facts About Me:

1. The first CD I ever bought was the Dangerous Minds soundtrack (I was super street, yo)  

2. I often make up songs about mundane stuff I'm doing and sing them around the house

3. I have a special dance for everything (it's generally the same booty-shake dance with different names of whatever was special enough to garner a dance at the time)

4. I wished I was a boy for most of my childhood. I didn't like girls and I didn't like being a girl for many many years. To this day, my number of male friends greatly outweighs my number of female friends. I think because of this, I have a really hard time making/keeping female friends even though I really love female companionship.

5.Sometimes I can almost literally hear my PS3 whispering to me to play video games. Shhh. I'll be right back.

6.I am super addicted to The Sims games. It's bad, you guys. Full blown addiction. (see above)

7. If it were socially acceptable to only wear pajamas forever, I would.

8. Boyfriend claims that I drink more water than anyone else on the planet. I think he is silly. (BRB I gotta go pee.)

9.I own a ridiculous amount of stuffed animals/toys for someone pushing 30 with no children.

10.I love coffee.

11. I'm the oldest of 4 children and I love my siblings more than they know. I don't tell them enough.
My answers to Aimee's questions:
1) If you could interview anyone in the world who would it be? 
 Jenny Lawson, AKA The Bloggess. I have had the amazing pleasure of meeting her and it was a life-changing 5 minutes. But I would actually like to sit down and ask her questions when I'm not crying and spazzing out.

2) If you won the lottery what would you do with your life?
Probably a lot of what I'm doing now: not having a full-time day job, writing, playing video games, and attempting to get my acting career off the ground. Except I'd have disposable lottery money and live far more comfortably than I do now.
3) What do you dream about in your sleep the most?
Lately, there has been no rhyme or reason to my dreams. They've ranged from heists to going back to school. Very strange. 
4) What are you scared of?
Oh, lots of things. Mostly, large groups of strangers, flying, elevators, birds, squirrels. You know, normal stuff. 
5) What is the song of your life?
This is an ever-changing soundtrack. For a while it was anything by Jonathan Coulton, but lately, it's been anything by Florence and the Machine
6) What was your first ambition in life?
I think my very first ambition in life was to be a veterinarian. When my parents made it clear that to be a vet you needed really good science and math skills and those were skills I did not posses, I realized I wanted to be a performer and/or a writer.
7) If you could snog one celeb, marry another, and lock away another who would they be?
LOL. I love this question and I'm stealing it. Leave it to the Brits to class up the awful Yank version of this question (Marry, Fuck, Kill.) I love the word "snog" love it, love it, love it.   Anywho...
Snog: Nathan Fillion
Marry: David Tennant (I don't really need to explain why, do I?)
Lock away: The Kardashians ALL. OF. THEM. 
8) Which celebrity reality show would you go on if you were famous?
Either DWTS if only to get in better shape, and because I really enjoy dancing, or Celebrity Fear Factor, which isn't on anymore, but as celebrities, they don't make you eat anything gross.
9) What do you eat for breakfast?
I'm not a huge breakfast person. Since high school I've had trouble eating first thing in the morning. If I eat too soon after waking up, I'll throw up immediately. If I do eat breakfast, it's usual scrambled eggs or a protein bar.
10) What is your favourite book?
This is like asking me to choose my favorite child, but one of my all-time favorite books is The Secret Life of Bees.  
11) The worst advice you've ever been given?
I've been given some really awful advice in my life, usually I completely ignore it and thus forget about it. The worst advice I've ever been given that I followed was to avoid taking background acting jobs lest I end up a "profession extra" and not have much of a successful career.  This is just nonsense and I'm mad at myself for believing it for so many years. This was probably said to me under the assumption that I wanted to be famous. I don't. I have no desire for massive fame. I just want to make a living, which is do-able as a union background actor. In the last 3 months I've had more paying acting jobs as a background actor than I have in the past 3 years. Every career is different and everyone takes a unique path to obtain whatever level of success they end up with. Especially in this quickly and ever-evolving entertainment landscape, there is no road map to success. Your success is whatever you make it.

My nominees: 
This Must Be The Place 
Down the Rabbit Hole
Keeping it Trashy in the Bible Belt
I Thought You Were Shorter
Smile Big and Pretty 
Pink Nightmare
Lincoln bLogs
Good News For People Who Love Bad News
The Fashionable Gamer (even though I just realized she's already been nominated, I don't care because I love her blog; it's adorable)
(And in a shocking turn of nepotism) Jarrett Writes

My Questions for you:
1) What was/is your favorite shirt you've ever worn?
2) If you found a mysterious briefcase full of money, what would you do?

3) Would you rather have your entire sexual history reenacted by the animatronics in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean ride, or have all the characters of your sexual history released by the Franklin Mint as a commemorative chess set?
4) Celebrity you would Snog, Marry, Banish to a Remote Island, Accompany to an Amusement Park, Create a Revolutionary Movement With?

5) Favorite game? (video game, board game, dice game, made-up game, etc)

6) Who would you want to portray you in your biopic movie?

7) If you could be any video game character (or if you're not a gamer, any fictional character) who would you be and why?

8) What's your worst distraction when you're trying to write?

9) What is the origin of your name? (Real name or blogger name)

10) What's the most recent book you read/are reading currently?

11)  What is your favorite season?

Whew. That was a doozy of a blog post. Thanks again to Aimee for the compliment of the nomination and kindly kicking me in the butt and getting me to write a post.


  1. Thanks Suga!

    I totally relate to the wanting to be a boy thing. I was a total tom-boy growing up.. and I honestly felt like the only reason girls ever wanted to be my friend was so they could get to my guy friends. I use to try REALLY hard making efforts with women-- hosting girls nights, putting myself "out there"-- but, I realized recently that I am happiest when surrounded by stinky boys. Albeit, I love the few ladies I am close with to the moon.

    AND.. I swear.. My Skyrim personality forces the xbox to randomly turn on so I have to play. ;)


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