Friday, January 18, 2013

It's 3AM. Do You Know Where Your Sanity is?

I'm writing. It's 3am and I'm writing because I don't know what else to do right now.  I can't sleep.

My dad was in town on business this week and took me and Boyfriend out to a nice dinner tonight. Last night. Whatever. It was delish and we got home at a reasonable time and I got in bed, ready to be fresh-faced and bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for an audition I have tomorrow. Today. Whatever.

But CLEARLY, our waiter, Kurt, had better plans. Maniacal plans. Evil waiter-y plans. I am willing to bet lots and lots of money that my so-called decaf cappuccino I requested for after dinner was, in fact, not decaf. Why else would I be awake right now?!?!


I am fighting every urge to play video games right now. It won't help. It'll just make me stay up later. 


I'm going to go brew a pot of coffee.
Good night. Good morning. Whatever.

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